In your sights?

It's very easy to look around us and see what is going on and make decisions based on what we see, especially at times like this.  But the bible directs us to be people that are not moved by what we see, but to walk by faith.

2 Corinthians 5:7 tells us that we "walk by faith and not by sight."  

How do we live by faith and not by sight?

Thankfully God has given us the bible so we can learn by example.    There are so many people in the pages of the Word, that had to make a choice to not live by what they saw.Let's think about a few. 

Abraham and Sarah were promised a son, but they were old and were passed child-bearing.   They could have looked at their bodies and said "God don't you know that we couldn't have children before, and now, well it's not all working you know!"

There's Noah.   God told him to build an ark.  He could have challenged God "Uh God, you do know that it doesn't really rain around here, and we're not on the coast either!

What about Gideon.  "Send nearly everyone home Gideon, we're going to win with 300!"
"Sorry God,  statistically we're gonna need a LOT more than that!"

And if that's too Old Testament for you, what about feeding 5000, walking on water or raising the dead!
Jesus never once was heard to say "Father I thank you that you are with me, but there's not a KFC, McDonalds or Indian Takeaway for miles, how am I supposed to do that?"

No! These people lived by faith. They looked more at a spiritual reality than they did at what their eyes saw.  

What is amazing about this verse is that it is talking about LIVING BY faith.   These people that I mentioned, they were so fully persuaded that God was going to do what he said, that they adjusted their lives accordingly!  They put action in motion.  Sarah and Abraham had to have sex, Noah had to build an ark and Gideon had to send home nearly all the guys that had shown up to fight.  Jesus had to step out on the water and call Lazarus out of the tomb.  

                                                    Faith moved them, and they acted on it. 

It's time we stopped limiting God in our lives by looking at what we can see and started looking for what God sees, see it with the eyes of faith and get acting on that! 


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