Take care or not?

Since the 1580s the phrase "take care" has been in circulation. Its original meaning was 'to take something in hand'. Later it was asking a person to 'feel a sense of concern or interest about something'. Its common place in our language today, but it's been bugging me recently. When the social distancing began (before lockdown), people would come into the office or church and their parting words would be 'take care' or 'stay safe'. Now don't get me wrong, I totally get why people are saying that, but it got me thinking. I don't want to take care - to be concerned about this situation and, if you are a Christian, I don't want you to be either! I am not dismissing the potential severity of what is happening in our world, but as believers, we have God with us! His Spirit lives inside of us and we have God's promises to keep us. Things are different for Christians (at least they should be). In Psalm 1, we are tol...