Daily life

All over the world I've meet Christians who seem to act as though what they do Monday to Saturday doesn't really have any affect on life.  They go to a church on Sunday and join in with the worship, listen to the sermon and then go home, and their 'faith' gets put back in a box for the week. 

They aren't bad people, but they haven't let the word, transform their faith (faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God).

What we do Monday - Saturday matters.  The verse for this week (Mark 11:23) talks about a believer shall HAVE WHATEVER HE SAYS.  

We know that we don't take any verse in isolation, but the word teaches that we shall reap what we sow.  The Lords prayer speaks of 'daily bread'.  Luke 9:23 also tells us we are to take up our cross daily.  Our walk with God is a day by day deal (sometimes even minute by minute to be fair).  

What we do day to day is significant. We can't go to church one day per week and hear about God's financial provision one time, go away and all week, talk to anyone and everyone about how poor we are, how broke we've become and that sort of thing and expect to see changes.  We shall indeed have what we say!

It's like eating.  We don't just eat our Sunday lunch and then expect to go all week without eating and have the same energy as we would if we ate 3 meals a day! We eat daily to get what we need for each day.

There comes a time when as believers we have to put our money (or our faith) where our mouth is. This only happens as we mediate on, turn over, consider, discuss, study and take hold of God's word.  We have to daily live a life of faith. 

When we were in Zambia I had to walk through some situations that were personally really, really challenging.  I definitely had opportunities to have a tantrum or complain or moan, but the word says DO ALL THINGS WITHOUT MURMURING OR DISPUTING and I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME.   Either the word is true or it's not.  I had to remind myself of these truths, meditate on it and believe it!  It was no good saying all the opposite, listening to my feelings etc, that would have produced no good fruit in my life.

Daily life isn't always a walk in the park, but we have an answer to EVERY problem, challenge and situation!  That's the GOOD NEWS.  If we don't allow that to influence our daily life, we're no different in this life to those who don't know Jesus, and that's very sad, considering God's promise that we could have life and life abundantly.

Today I encourage you to think about your Monday to Saturday.  Take the Sunday sermon tomorrow and take notes, meditate on it all week, study it and see what God does when we live the Christian life day by day.


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