What do you think?

This week I saw a few posts on Facebook about 'hump day'.  This is a term used to talk about Wednesday when you hit come over the 'hump' of the week and starts speeding towards the weekend.  I also see lots of posts about the drudgery of Mondays.

It really hit me today, that these kind of things, though silly, are indicative of a heart level belief, that Mondays are hard and it's a drag as you go back to work or school.  People live for the weekend, and approach the week with a sense of, not exactly dread, but you know what I mean.

The trouble is the more we blend these thoughts into our lives, the more likely it is that will find Monday's tiresome etc.

The point I want to make is this; how we think about things, is how we talk about them, and eventually it is how they will actually be for us.

The bible says that the power of life and death is in the tongue. (Prov 18:21).  What comes out of your mouth has power whether you realize it, or not.  What comes out of your mouth is rooted in what is in your heart.

God made us in his image.  He made us like him.  We read in Roman's that
God...calls those things which do not exist as though they did; 
Romans 4:17 (NKJV)

We use our words to create life or death.  When we talk 'death'.  What do you think we will experience in our lives?

It's not just about making a positive confession and saying stuff you don't believe, but it's about thinking about the truth and meditating on that. (Phil 4:8). Instead of thinking of Mondays as crappy days that take us away from our 'real' life, we need to see what God has to say about that. In Psalm 118 we see it says "This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it."

Imagine starting your work week or school week filled with good anticipations; a gratitude for the day and an expectation that God has good things and meaningful opportunities for you. 

I am travelling next week.  I don't know if I will have internet access, so apologies if my post next week is absent.  Going to try and 'schedule' it, but let's just say my 'tech-skills' need help sometimes!

Have a great weekend and a God-centred week


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