Don't quit.

t is interesting how many times in the New Testament we are told to continue in something: Continue in the faith; continue in love; continue in prayer; continue in the word; continue in his goodness and continue in the things you've learned, to name a few.

I think it is human nature to quit and give up more often that to persevere, but the Christian life has always been a marathon rather than a sprint, and there are lots of exhortations to keep going, endure and hold on. 

Life is full of stuff that shouldn't be here - sickness, loss, death and rubbish things, but the comfort we find in our faith is to hold on, keep praying, keep believing, keep in the Word and God WILL work it all out.  That's not a vain hope, because over and over God proves himself faithful, and even though we live in a fallen world, God is still able to bring his love, his peace and his guidance into our lives.

In Matthew 14 we read about Peter walking on the water to Jesus.  He climbs out of the boat and walks some steps, but then gets distracted by the wind and the waves, and starts to sink.   Jesus immediately steps in and takes his hand and lifts him up.

We all have millions of opportunities to get swayed by the wind and the waves, but if we keep our eyes on Jesus, the circumstances will not bring us down and destroy us, we will walk on top of them. 

Paul said 2 Corinthians 4:8 (TPT)
"Though we experience every kind of pressure, we’re not crushed. At times we don’t know what to do, but quitting is not an option."

Today, I hope that you are not in a storm, but if you are, continue in your faith; keep your eyes on Jesus.  He will take your hand and lead you through the wind and waves.

Have a great weekend. 


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