An apple a day....

There's an English saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor a way".

It meant eating an apple every day was a healthy choice.  Now obviously, it's not a miracle cure, but the philosophy behind it was about consistently doing something.

A couple of weeks ago, my blog post was about the fact that running is only good for me if I do it, but I want to take that idea further: Things are usually only of any benefit when we do it more than once, when we do them consistently.

Once again I want to be clear, I'm not talking about works!  God is not moved by our actions - whether good or bad.   We can't use actions to please God.  What pleases him is faith, but consistency is good for US!  

This verse from James 1:4 in the NRSV uses the word endurance.  The online dictionary defines endurance as:  The capacity of something to last or the ability to endure an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way.

In the KJV, it uses the word PATIENCE instead of endurance, and one of the meanings for this word given in the Strong's Concordance is CONSTANCY.

According to James, when it is allowed to continue in our lives, it helps us mature and leads us to a place where we are complete and lacking nothing.  
Reading the word is good, but if you read one verse and then never pick the bible up again,  your are likely to limit what affect it has in your life. 

Just as a runner who wants to do a marathon doesn't go straight for a big race without first having done a 5k a 10k a half marathon so our Christian growth is powered by the small things we do every day; reading the word, praying, meditating, speaking in tongues, worshipping etc.   

Today I want to encourage you to be consistent in what you do.  A wise man (my lovely husband) often says "The word is bread for daily use not a cake for special occasions".   
It's not about a chore:  Read by bible ✅ Pray ✅.  It's not a to-do list, but spending time doing things consistently helps us to have a strong foundation to build upon. 

Spending time daily in the word, helps it sink into your heart; the Holy Spirit can bring revelation, and you can see things you didn't know before.  Then when challenges come our way, we can last and not give way, because we have a store of God's Word to use in that situation, because we've consistently been putting seeds in our heart!

Have a great weekend.


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