Put it away

Just a short thought today, but it really spoke to me.

In Leviticus there's a scenario where a Jewish woman has a son by an Egyptian man.  The bible doesn't give details of where the father was or the details surrounding the boy's life, but what we do know is that at some point he got into a fight and blasphemed God.

I don't know whether it was because he had mixed heritage or for some other reason, but either way Moses didn't know what to do with him. So he put him in ward (a holding cell or prison)

Now, Moses could have just made a decision.   I am quite sure that the boy's mother would have been in there like a shot asking him what was going on and what was going to happen to the boy and when she could take him home.

The boy's friends may have been in to Moses' office and asked when he could come out to play again.

The thing that really spoke to me about this story is that Moses didn't rush into making a plan.  He waited until they knew what God thought about the situation.

I can see in my own life how there are times when I really don't know what to do, and instead of waiting I rush in and make a decision on my own.  There are times when that's ok of course - we have common sense and God has given that to us so we don't have to 'wait on the Lord' to decided whether to go to work today or not!   Duh! BUT there are other moments when I need to exercise patience, put that thing 'in ward' and wait until I know what God has to say about it all!

Have a great week.


  1. I just really would like to thank you Abi for a great reminder. With an everlasting love to you and John. XOXO


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