What a worry!

It's very interesting to me that God introduced himself as 'I AM'.    He could have said I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN, or ALWAYS WILL BE, but instead He calls himself I AM.

To me this speaks of a God that is very much about the here and now.   While He has taken care of our past, and has secured our future with Him, He is the God of today.

In Matthew 6:34, it says:
Take therefore no thought for the morrow; for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.  Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof

The Passion Translation (TPT) says it like this:
Refuse to worry about tomorrow, but deal with each challenge that comes your way, one day at a time. Tomorrow will take care of itself

I have in my lifetime spent goodness knows how many hours worrying about what might be, but God wants us to live in the present, in the moment, to experience all the joy and wonder of being engaged in life today.  We can waste so much of our precious time worrying over might be, that we can miss the pleasure of today.

Now in the natural, we feel we need to ponder over what may or may happen in days or weeks to come; we gravitate to worry, but the truth is, that's about as much use as a waterproof teabag!   We have zero control over, well, most things to be frank.  About the only thing we actually do have control over is ourselves!  We can chose to live in the present and not worry about what may or may not happen. This is possible because we have a God who loves us!!  

God says don't worry about tomorrow, so that means it is possible for us to live that way!  He promises to take care of the things we need, and so it all comes down to whether we trust His Word to us, or not.

Worry is defined as:  the state of being anxious and troubled over actual or potential problems.  It is really just negative meditation (I know that word has a bad connotation to Christians, but in Hebrew it simply means to muse, or rehearse in one's mind).

If we find we are worrying about things, it means we are not trusting that Jesus will take care of those things that concern us.  We muse and rehearse over and over the possibilities and potential outcomes in a negative fashion.

Instead we can chose to do what the Word says in 2 Corinthians 10:5
"Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;"

Whatever thoughts we have that try and lift themselves above what is true of God, need to be cast down (pulled down, demolished, lowered).  We magnify the Lord (Psalm 34:3) in our circumstances instead.  (Magnify:  to grow, become great or important, promote, make powerful, praise).  When we do that, we don't need to worry!  We can rest in the love of God, and experience peace and joy at this very moment.

1 John 4:14...because all that Jesus now is, so are we in this world (TPT).  Is Jesus stressed?  Worried? Concerned? Afraid?  No, and we don't have to be!  It's not something we have to wait for until the sweet by-and-by.  We can have those blessings right here, right now.  God is the I AM - the God of today.

So today, if you are worrying about anything, recognize it!  Go to the Word and consider what God has to say about your situation, and mediate on how big a God you serve.  Ponder on his Word, the testimonies of our faith-heroes, and how that TODAY God is with you, very real, and very present. You don't need to fret about tomorrow. Enjoy his overwhelming love today!


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