Time for a drink!

I have to say that in the 6 weeks since we came back to the UK, it's been hotter than I remember it being in many many years.  I am really enjoying the summer weather, and some walks or runs along the beach, but my parents, who have a beautiful garden, are not so happy with the prolonged period of dry weather, quite unusual for England.
Their usually lush garden is looking a little droopy and a lot dry!

However, we went for a walk and found this beautiful sight (see pic).  It's vibrant, green and doesn't appear to be struggling under the heatwave!  Why??? Well obviously it's because it's planted by the water!  It isn't aware there is a shortage.

Psalm 1:3 says "And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth his fruit in his season;
his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he does shall prosper."

It is talking about the person whose delight is in the word!  Because they are plugged into the source of life, they are like a tree planted by water!   They never wither and they produce fruit.  WHATEVER they do will prosper.  All that, just from delighting to be in God's Word!

That word 'prosper' isn't just about finances.  Strong's concordance says it means:-
to push forward, in various senses break out, come (mightily), go over, be good, be meet, be profitable, to advance, prosper, make progress, succeed.   Wow!

When we experience drought, dryness or lack we need to go back to that place where there is no lack;  That is the Word! In our newsletter this month (which you can read and/or subscribe to by clicking here) we spoke also about the importance of the word in our spiritual 'diet'.

This picture (above) though for me sums this up.   Flourishing when all around is in lack.  That is the position Christians are meant to be in.  Not because we have done something better than someone else, but simply because of our position in Christ.

Being in the Word is our lifeline, our source and our supply.  There is no situation where God cannot more than meet your need. 

We have the option to live as if we are these blossoming trees, that produce fruit, or we can chose to ignore the provision of God's word and eventually we will wither. 

Today I want to encourage you to remember that you are planted by living water.  Drop your roots deep into the Word and see that whatever you do will be prosperous!


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