Put it on

So I was reading the story of the prodigal son again for the thousandth time this week and a new thing struck me!!  Don't you just think that's amazing? The Word is alive and powerful; you can read it over and over and always God can speak to you in a new way.

Most bibles with subheadings over sections call the story the Prodigal Son but I like the Passion Translation which calls this "The Loving Father"!  That's a great point, but not the one I am making today.

So, hopefully you know the story.  If you don't you can read the whole thing in Luke 15, but I want to look at what happens on the sons return home.

Firstly, despite the fact the son basically told his dad 'I wish you were dead!' the father was looking out for him and when he saw him he RAN to meet him.  This is not the conduct of a disgruntaled parent who wants to make sure the child knows how wrong they were! He runs out to meet him and falls on him welcoming him home in both manner and words. 

But that's not all.  Let's look at what happens next

Luke 15:22-23 (TPT)
Turning to his servants, the father said, ‘Quick, bring me the best robe, my very own robe, and I will place it on his shoulders. Bring the ring, the seal of sonship, and I will put it on his finger. And bring out the best shoes you can find for my son. Let’s prepare a great feast and celebrate.

All these things that the Father brought out for the son are significant.

The Robe -  this is a symbol of righteousness or right standing with the Father.   Imagine how the son looked.  He probably hadn't shaved in weeks, stank of pigs and looked a right mess.  Yet the Father whom he had wronged, covered over all that with a robe.   This robe showed that he was not viewed as a beggar in his Father's house.  The KJV says that it was to be the BEST robe too.  His choices did not prohibit him from the fulness of this relationship

The Ring - this is a symbol of authority.  What's interesting is that this is the younger of the man's sons.  Under Jewish culture he wouldn't have had has much right as the older brother, but the Father declares his authority - despite the way he has been living. His past, and his social standing did not negate the Father bestowing his authority to him. 

The shoes - these donated peace and belonging.  In Exodus, Moses is told to take off his shoes because he was standing on Holy Ground.  In this story, the Father puts shoes on him - he is accepted and he belongs.

These were all great points, but the one thing that really jumped out on me was the fact, he didn't put them on himself!

Did you notice that? Some translations say that the Father instructs the servants to put them on the son, and others say that the Father puts them on the son, but either way, he doesn’t put it on himself!! 

This is awesome!! The son comes back to the Father having spent all his money and lived in a selfish mess, and the Father doesn’t make him wait to see him; he doesn’t tell him to go clean himself up before he receives him; he doesn’t tell him to to find some clothes  -  no he provides everything and puts it on him!  

This really spoke to me about just how good God is.  

God doesn’t only restore us, despite the choices we’ve made; he doesn’t only provide us with what we need for that restoration, but he gives it to us, without any effort required on our part, aside from showing up and trusting the Father is good!


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