Top Tips

As we're counting down to Christmas, I become more aware of conversations that focus around the stress, the spending, the family trials that come at this time of year.   Christmas, and really any day as a Christian, shouldn't be this way at all!   But if we do the same things we have always done, we are going to get the same results we always get.  If we want to have a different experience, we have to do things differently.

So here's my top tips for a peace-filled Christmas

1) Dashing through the snow...Running around being busy is going to bring stress.  It's ok to say 'no'.  Don't over-commit and don't do things from a sense of obligation, because that breeds resentment.  Instead consider your option before you make your decisions and then agree to the things that you want to do.  (Matthew 5:37)

2) T'is the season to be jolly...Give cheerfully, or don't give.  (2 Corinthians 9:7) It's easy to get into a rut of simply giving gifts to people because we ought to or always to, or they give to us...  Don't be afraid to do things differently.  Giving isn't always about an item or something with monetary value.  Sometimes our time or something home made is better, and also remember it's ok not to give gifts.  Even in this let the Holy Spirit guide and inspire you.

3) Joy to the world!  This season is a time for celebrating the best gift we could ever receive; it's a joyful time, even when there is stuff going on around us that maybe isn't good.   Look for the joy of the Lord which is your strength (Nehemiah 8:10)

4) Love came down at Christmas... This season is all about love!  It's God's love to us, and we can extend that to others.  You are full of the Holy Spirit and the fruit of that is love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, self control and all sorts.  Instead of allowing your flesh to hang out, tuck it in and let the Spirit flow through you, especailly when you're around people! (Gal 5:22-26)

5) O come let us adore him!   Above all, remember the significance of Christmas.  Keep your focus on the main thing: Jesus!  That sounds easy but it's so easy to get distracted by tinsel and turkey, presents and visits. God's promise to us is to keep us in perfect peace when I minds are fixed on him. (Isaiah 26:3)


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