You're not a person!

This week I heard a phrase that really spoke to me. It was "An ambassador is not a person, they are the personification of the country they represent".  

This really got me thinking about our lives as Christians.  Paul, in the book of Ephesians, says that he is an ambassador of the Gospel, and so are we. 

We are no longer simply just people - we have become a personification of the Gospel message.   We should be healing the sick, raising the dead, loving, giving, serving, standing for truth, preaching the gospel... This is what we have become once we have accepted Christ. 

It's not just enough to show up at church on Sunday or watch a YouTube service.  It's about constantly remembering that we have been bought with a price and that like Pau, we say it's no longer I that liveth, but Christ that lives in me!   

From the moment we wake up until we fall asleep, we are the personification of Jesus Christ; we are the Kingdom of God. 

There's a lot of responsibility in being an ambassador - you can't just have a hissy fit or run around being a mean old thing, but this is what it means to be a Christian: it means to lay down our own lives to live as Jesus' representative here on the earth - to be like him in his stead, so that the world can see Jesus, it means to be set apart and to be holy, even as he is holy.  Although that means we can't just do what we want, it's such an exciting life to live - because as his ambassador, we have the very resources of heaven within us - the power and authority to do what Jesus wants us to do!  That's awesome! 


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