Let it rain!

Today, as is my habit on a Saturday, I did Park Run.  If you don't know what that is, it's an organisation that hosts 5k walk/runs every Saturday at 9am at multiple locations all over the world. 

My usual rule of thumb is that if it's not raining when it starts, I will run, even if it starts later in the run.  I don't like running in the rain.

Today however, it was drizzling lightly when I arrived.  I was sitting in the car wondering whether to just turn around and go home again.  I was hoping for divine intervention in the weather department, but as some good friends had come to the same venue and they were going to run, I dragged myself out to the start.  Just minutes before it got underway, the heavens opened and I got totally drenched.  It was horrible.  It was windy and wet, but I did it.  At the end of a very wet run, I felt good for doing it and in fact, the rain didn't mess up my time.

As I was thinking about today's blog, I began to think about how often we want to wait to see how things are going to go before we get involved. 

We want God to put all the ducks in a row and make everything line up before we'll move, but sometimes, you just need to make the decision to 'go' regardless of what it looks like.  If we wait until everything 'looks' right, we'll never move, never challenge ourselves or step out in faith.   We make our plans, but God orders our steps, and there are days when we just need to move - not sit and wait (I'm not saying there isn't a time for waiting too, but it's not the only thing to do).

So today, I encourage you, if you are on the cusp of where God has lead you, then maybe you just need to go for it instead of watching the opportunity pass by.   Maybe you just need to go out in the rain! 💦

Happy Saturday


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