Factory Reset

Have you ever had a phone that went wonky!  Something just gets messed up in it and once you've tried all the usual tricks like switching it off and on again, deleting and reinstalling apps. etc, you are eventually left with one option RESTORE FACTORY SETTINGS.

Sometimes, I think we can be like that phone.  The 'setting' in fallen humanity defaults to living by the flesh, and while we can try all sorts of tricks and ways to 'be better' or 'do better' they are ineffective, because the problem is innate within us.   When we are saved though Jesus Christ it's like we restore our factory settings and the rest of our lives on earth as believers is to learn to walk in the true settings Christ gave us in the beginning, according to his design for mankind.

Galatians 5:25 (KJV)

If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

The bible teaches us that we came alive in the spirit when we got born again, so then, now we need to function that way. That was the way our manufacturer designed us before we tried to upgrade ourselves. 

In that verse above, the word 'walk' means: to march in (military) rank (keep step); to proceed in a row as the march of a soldier, go in order, to go on prosperously, to turn out well, to walk to direct one's life, to live

We are learning how to keep in step with the manufacturer. 

God told us in  John 6:63 (TPT)

The Holy Spirit is the one who gives life, that which is of the natural realm is of no help. The words I speak to you are Spirit and life...

The way to walk how we were designed to (in the Spirit) is by studying, learning, meditating on and keeping the manufacturers handbook (the Word) in our hearts.


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