Go with the flow

There's a well-known expression that says 'just go with the flow', isn't there? It means be relaxed and accept a situation, rather than trying to alter or control it. There are times in life where naturally speaking, I definitely DON'T want to go with the flow, but I want to think about the spiritual implications this could have. Have you ever walked away from a conversation, situation or encounter and though 'I know the Holy Spirit was trying to say or do something there' but you didn't follow through ... That's what I mean. God presents us with multiple intrusions into our daily life - things he has orchestrated and we need to 'go with the spiritual flow' of the Holy Spirit. One day Jesus was busy heading off with Jairus, to heal his daughter when the women with the issue of blood stopped him on the way. He could have said nothing to that women; he could have scolded her and said 'Can't you see I'm busy! I'm going to ...