What happened next?

Most of us have probably read or heard the story of Peter walking on the water.   If you haven't, here's the gist.  

After a busy day of ministry, Jesus takes some time by himself and sends the disciples across the sea by boat. 
It gets very windy and they are only part way across, when Jesus is seen walking on top of the water towards the boat.   The disciples must have been very busy dealing with the sailing conditions, but on seeing someone walking on water they all freak out, thinking that it's a ghost. 
Peter, however, somehow recognises something about figure - and calls out "If that's you Jesus, tell me to come to you".  
As it is Jesus, he does call Peter, who climbs out of the boat and walks on water.  Peter suddenly becomes aware that the wind is boisterous, and he starts to sink!   Jesus reaches out to him and raises him back up.

For most of the times I have heard this taught in church or bible college, that's where the story finishes.  While there's certainly LOTS of things that can be drawn from that, this week I was struck by a single sentence, right after that part...

Matthew 14:32 (KJV) And when they were come into the ship, the wind ceased.

Peter had to walk back to the boat!

Just think about that for a moment - read it again: Peter had to walk back to the boat!

Sometimes we step out in faith and something doesn't quite go the way we expect, but how often do we let that stop us from doing so again.  Peter did something that almost nobody else has ever done; he walked on water!!!!!!!! That's incredible.  Then his humanness kicked in, he looked at the circumstances and he sank and Jesus had to rescue him... But the amazing thing was, Peter walked back to the boat.  The thing he had screwed up, he did again and this time he made it all the way back to the boat without sinking.

Just because we mess something up, don't do it perfectly or let a bit of doubt and unbelief cause us to miss it a bit, doesn't mean we're out for the count!   Jesus lifts us up and says 'Let's do this again. I'm here!'

Today I want to encourage you to let Jesus lift you up and help you step out again and walk on the water with confidence, no matter what has happened before.

Have a great week. 



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