I believe I can fly!

Can you fly?  If you stand outside and flap your arms hard enough, can you take off?  Of course not.  The main reason is because of the law of gravity.   Gravity keeps us on the ground.  

However,  you can fly!  Get in a plane and off you go!  What changed?  

What changed is your position!

A plane brings into effect a law which supersedes that of gravity.  The law of aerodynamics (thrust and lift).  In that plane, though gravity still exits, you can experience something contrary to that law.   
When you are outside of the plane, you are bound by the law of gravity, but change your position and you are able to take advantage of a greater law.

In this world, before we accept Jesus as our saviour, we are bound by the law of sin and death! We cannot help but follow after the flesh and things of this world.  However, once we become Christian's we change our position and are now 'In Christ'. From that position we are able to take advantage of a law that supersedes the law of sin and death; the law of grace. 

Romans 7:25 (TPT) I give all my thanks to God, for his mighty power has finally provided a way out through our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One! So if left to myself, the flesh is aligned with the law of sin, but now my renewed mind is fixed on and submitted to God’s righteous principles.

Today, we need to firstly see that our position has changed, and realise that the law of grace supersedes the old law of sin and death and that because of that we can soar! We CAN follow after the things of the Spirit; we are empowered to do that!   

Have a great week. 


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