
Well I apologise for the little gap since the last post.  I quite thought I had published, but clearly a blonde moment!   Anyway, back on track today! 

My husband and I have been talking a lot about health supplements this week.  Health supplements can be good.  In a modern diet, it's hard to get everything we need nutritionally, but this got me thinking about a spiritual principal. 

Supplements are good, but they cannot fix bad habits.  So for example, if you eat rubbish food all day and sit on the couch and watch TV then it doesn't matter how many supplements you take, you're not going to be a healthy person. 

The same is true with spiritual supplements.   In the bible we see the Old Testament shows us supplements, but these never had the same power as the real thing.  For example the sacrifices of bulls and goats could never measure up to the blood of Jesus Christ.

Hebrews 9:14 (TPT)
Yet how much more will the sacred blood of the Messiah thoroughly cleanse our consciences! For by the power of the eternal Spirit he has offered himself to God
as the perfect Sacrifice that now frees us from our
dead works to worship and serve the living God.

In modern terms, no matter how many podcasts you watch, no matter how many other books you read, no matter how many people you ask to pray for you, they cannot substitute for a healthy personal spiritual life. We need the word, we need the spirit, we need fellowship with God and with each other. These are non-negotiable.

We can utillise many things (such as those listed above) to help us and they can be good for us, but they must never be what we put our faith in, never become a substitute for personal intimacy in the Lord.


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