
Showing posts from October, 2021


Pre-pandemic we travelled a lot by plane.  One of the hardest thing about a long flight is the noise in the cabin.   One day,  John invested in some noise cancelling headphones.  It was amazing.  They literally filtered out all the noise apart from whatever you were listening to;  music, a movie or some teaching. It was good!  Today I was thinking about the amount of information (or misinformation) we are bombarded with.  TV, papers, adverts, billboards, magazines and social media.  All of it presenting carnal stuff, whether just worldly or evil.  I believe that the spiritual equivalent of noise cancelling headphones is praying in tongues.  It has the ability to help us tune out the noise of the world.   The bible says that speaking in tongues builds us up (Jude 1:20), it helps us give thanks well (1 Cor 14) and helps us pray when we don't know what to say.   It helps us drown out the rubbish to be still and...

Breaking News

I am currently amazed at just how much power the media has over people.  The media says something and a vast majority of people, nod their heads and say to themselves "I saw it in the news.  It MUST be true!"   Many Christians are doing the same, and yet when it comes to the Word of God, they cannot take what it says and believe it.  I love this verse in Psalms 45. In the second half of verse 1 it says: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer.  Sometimes you've got to read your bible and then let your tongue write your own story.  Let your 'news' be what God says it should be.  Write your own headlines!  What is your 'breaking news', relevant to where you are right now?  Is it "I am the healed of the Lord!", "I am loved by God",  "I am never alone",  "God accepts me",  "I've never seen the righteous forsaken"... We don't have to let the world give us the news - Christians have THE BEST NEWS EVER!!  W...

Let it rain

Today I went out for my Saturday morning run.  I procrastinated a little more than usual and by the time I actually got out of my front door it was raining.  It wasn't raining too hard, but when I got half way round the route it started to get harder and harder until I was drenched by the time I got home.  While I was drying off and warming up, it made me think about a spiritual principal;  we can get as soaked (immersed) in the Spirit as we want to.   Staying at home I would have been dry and I could have thought about the run, and considered it and wondered about it, but the truth is I wouldn't have experienced it. The Holy Spirit can be like that for us. We can watch from the sidelines, talk about the Holy Spirit, think about the Holy Spirit, ask other people about how they experienced the Holy Spirit and yet never let ourselves get fully immersed in Him.  Sometimes you just got to get out there and get soaked.    The Holy Spirt longs to b...