Pre-pandemic we travelled a lot by plane. One of the hardest thing about a long flight is the noise in the cabin. One day, John invested in some noise cancelling headphones. It was amazing. They literally filtered out all the noise apart from whatever you were listening to; music, a movie or some teaching. It was good! Today I was thinking about the amount of information (or misinformation) we are bombarded with. TV, papers, adverts, billboards, magazines and social media. All of it presenting carnal stuff, whether just worldly or evil. I believe that the spiritual equivalent of noise cancelling headphones is praying in tongues. It has the ability to help us tune out the noise of the world. The bible says that speaking in tongues builds us up (Jude 1:20), it helps us give thanks well (1 Cor 14) and helps us pray when we don't know what to say. It helps us drown out the rubbish to be still and...