Practice - or not! (Stress 6)

As we think about those things that bring stress in our lives, it would be dumb to mention this one! I've had a difficult week this week. A very challenging situation came to an end in a meeting and it was stressful. However, it came and went, but what was the biggest battle for me? It was practicing the wrong things afterwards! What do I mean? Well I am quite sure I am not the only one who practices or rehearses things in my head over and over after something like that, am I?. "I could have done this... I should have said that..." But all that is simply stressful! What is past is done, and today I have a choice about what how I practice. I can practice (rehearse) the negative 'shoulda, woulda, coulda's' or I can practice ( do) the presence of God. I can sit there and think about all the ways I could have behaved or worded something differently, but in the end, it's a much more peace-filled path when we look to Jesus inst...