Where you live

There are certain things that most Christians would say they want - things like peace, to hear God's voice, to feel loved,  and that sort of thing, but whatever it is, people seem to be waiting on God to provide these things in our lives for us.  

This verse in 2 Peter 1:2 says
"Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord"

We're not waiting for God to give us peace, but when we know 
(learn, experience, recognize and understand) God the Father and Jesus then his grace, his love, his peace increase in our lives.  Our confident trust in his word, and our desire to love and serve him in return for his wonderful goodness and kindness increase too. Equally when we don't know God, these things are diminished in our lives.  

The things like grace and peace that we desire to live in and experience on a daily basis, are not given in the sense that God is deciding when and how to pass them out to us, but they are wrapped up in the very essence of God's being and as we know him more and better, things like peace and grace are a bi-product of living in that knowledge. 

Imagine how you would feel if you had a wealthy relative who guaranteed to put £10000 in your bank account every month.   The way you lived would be changed simply by living in the knowledge that you would never have to worry about money again.

This is how it is with God, living in the knowledge, not just knowing about God, but experiencing, understanding and knowing him intimately will bring about wonderful things in our hearts which will flow out into our every day lives. 

Happy Saturday


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