A trusted name

Have you ever wondered about the importance placed on the name of Jesus?   We hear people all the time adding on "In Jesus name" to the end of a prayer. We sing songs about "Praise the name of Jesus".  But why?

Well, think about corporate logos.  You only have to see a golden M and you know exactly what it is - anywhere in the world.

The value of a name is more than just what we call something.  For example, if I say to you that I know Joe King. If you have met Joe, it will immediately bring up a picture or an emotion, depending on what your experience of him is.  His name will make you think about the kind of man he is; the way he treats you and others; his nature; his character.  Just by saying his name! 

The name of Jesus is just the same.  It encompasses his nature, his character and his promises.  His name is salvation, his name is healing, the deliverer, the provider, the banner, the Great Shepherd, the door, our righteousness, our peace. 

When we speak the name of Jesus, it isn't a little thing we put at the end of the prayer to finish it off. We are stating all that his name represents.  Just as Peter and said to the lame man in Acts 3 "I don't have any money, but I am going to give you what I have in the NAME OF JESUS!"  What Peter had was all wrapped up in that name - that carries in it Jehovah Rapha - God my healer! 

When David fought against Goliath, he said (1 Samuel 17:45) Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied

David knew that in the name of God was the assertion of authority, covenant and power! 

This is powerful.  When we come in the name of the Lord, we take on board everything that his name represents!

Taking the Lord's name in vain is in not realizing the power, the nature and the character of God that is implied when we declare the name of Jesus. 

When we speak the name of Jesus it is just like putting up the golden arches.  We should know exactly what it is we are getting. Just as you will know that M is for McDonalds and you will get a burger, fries or nuggets and that its slogan promises "I'm lovin' it" so it is when we declare the name of Jesus; we know that we can trust his name and trust his promises because that is who he is.  That is what his name means to us!  I tell you, I'm lovin' that, way more than a quarter pounder!

Have a great weekend. 


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