Are you satisfied?

So, this week this verse caught my eye:

Hebrews 13:5 (NLT) Don’t love money; be satisfied with what you have. For God has said, “I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.

I have often heard people tell me the first part of this verse.  Don't be obsessed with money, but be content with what you have..."

But like so many things in the Christian faith, we so often miss the most important bit!

Elsewhere in the New Testament, the Apostle Paul did say that he had learned to be content with what he had, and that is important and true BUT the reason we can be content is because of the second part of this verse.   

We can be satisfied with what we have BECAUSE WE HAVE JESUS!

When the creator of the universe resides in your heart, what is there not to be content with!  And MORE than that, his faithful promise is to never leave us, never fail us!  We have everything, when we have relationship with Jesus.  That is an amazing truth.  

Are you satisfied with Jesus?  Is he enough or do you get lost in what is going on around you. We allow ourselves to be focussed on everything else; ourselves, our circumstances, the world around us, but when we really are satisfied with Jesus, there is NOTHING that can compare to that! 

If we're not satisfied with Jesus, then the problem is that we don't really know what we have in Christ.  If that's you, then you need to go to God's Word to find the answer.   There's no shortcut, but when you know the answer, you will lack nothing!  Nothing!!   Let that sink in for a moment!

Happy Saturday.


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