Straighten it out!

During lockdown I have found it hard to think about purpose.  What is the purpose of your life if you are isolated in your home?  What is the purpose of your life if you have you have been retired or made redundant? What if you can't do all the things that you usually do?

Today John (my husband) reminded me that God is far more interested in our own transformation than he is about us arriving at a destination. 

I think that I often focus on where I am going, how I am going to get there, but I never stop and think about what condition I will arrive in.    What I mean by that is, when we get to our final day on this earth, will I look back and see that I never changed?  That would be very sad, because God calls us to be transformed, to become more like him every day; to grow in wisdom and in our faith.  

If a man grew to be 40 years old and still thought like a child, acted like a child, and reasoned like a child, we would think it wrong, but as Christian's we often do not look for this transformation, and still allow ourselves to be satisfied with never changing. 

Even Jesus grew into his identity.  He was fully human, so as a small child, I don't think he knew who he was, but as he grew up, he learned his identity by reading the scriptures, listening for God, and I expect hearing what Mary would have told him about his birth. The scriptures tell us he Luke 2:52 (KJV)
And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.

We will miss out on so much if we only focus on our final destination, instead of on our transformation on the way!

One of my favourite verses is Romans 12:2. It tells us to be transformed by the renewing of the mind!  We begin our transformation by changing the way we think, and we begin that by realizing we have wrong thinking and by going to the word to get it straightened out!

Happy Saturday


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