Daisy, Daisy Give me your answer do

When we were kids, we used to pick daisies and pull the petals off one by one saying "He loves me.  He loves me not?"

This week, sitting in a friend's garden, I saw this lovely big daisies growing and as we were praying, I felt like God saying "When you do this for me it is.."
Loves me
Loves me so
Love me
Loves me so

God never has a moment when he doesn't love us.  Not ever.  He isn't angry with people (his wrath against sin was poured out on Jesus) and He never ever can stop loving us, because he is love!

It is only as we understand this, that we realise the truth that we are unable to love any other individual in a selfless, unconditional manner without the love of God inside of us.

Even the love of a parent for a child, while close, is still ultimately temporary in that our children may disappoint us or make us angry.  God is never even disappointed with us, as disappoint can only come through an unmet expectation.  As he knows the very number of hairs on our head, he will never have that. 

Today I want us to understand that the love of God is so amazing.   It searched for us while we were not even looking for God.  It covers a multitude of sins, it reaches so high and so low we can never get around it ever.  The Psalmist said there was literally no where we could escape from it, and Paul told us there was nothing that could separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. Faith itself works by love and it is a work of the Spirit within us that flows to others.

When we struggle in areas, I believe it is because we have a lack in our love walk with Lord.  We don't  understand how much God loves us and what that means.

When we consider what is going on in the world, we can say without a doubt that, that without love, we cannot even live with other people in peace, dignity and honour.

Today, if you are struggling in some way or with someone, I encourage you to ask God for a revelation of God's wonderful love. It is the only answer for the world, we are only able to love, because He first loved us.

Happy Saturday!


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