An apple a day....

There's an English saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor a way". It meant eating an apple every day was a healthy choice. Now obviously, it's not a miracle cure, but the philosophy behind it was about consistently doing something. A couple of weeks ago, my blog post was about the fact that running is only good for me if I do it, but I want to take that idea further: Things are usually only of any benefit when we do it more than once, when we do them consistently. Once again I want to be clear, I'm not talking about works! God is not moved by our actions - whether good or bad. We can't use actions to please God. What pleases him is faith, but consistency is good for US! This verse from James 1:4 in the NRSV uses the word endurance. The online dictionary defines endurance as: The capacity of something to last or the ability to endure an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way. In the KJV...