
Showing posts from October, 2018

Health from the inside out

I know this is a strange verse to pick today, but I have been thinking a lot about health, fitness and mental health recently; it's so prevalent in the media. I believe that God was fully aware of the problems that would face First World countries in the 21st Century! The Word is timeless and contains everything we need.  2 Peter 1:3 says that we have everything we need for life and godliness too! Health has become the latest buzz-word, but I really believe that most of the time while the answers offered focus on the external while the real issues are inside; not even physical issues for the most part, but in our soul (mind, will and emotions), and there is a spiritual solution to these issues. In Matthew 15, Jesus explains to the disciples that it isn't what goes into their bodies that defiles a person, because what comes from the outside in goes through the digestive process and gets flushed out (no pun intended).   He said what comes out from the inside is wha...

Put it away

Just a short thought today, but it really spoke to me. In Leviticus there's a scenario where a Jewish woman has a son by an Egyptian man.  The bible doesn't give details of where the father was or the details surrounding the boy's life, but what we do know is that at some point he got into a fight and blasphemed God. I don't know whether it was because he had mixed heritage or for some other reason, but either way Moses didn't know what to do with him. So he put him in ward (a holding cell or prison) Now, Moses could have just made a decision.   I am quite sure that the boy's mother would have been in there like a shot asking him what was going on and what was going to happen to the boy and when she could take him home. The boy's friends may have been in to Moses' office and asked when he could come out to play again. The thing that really spoke to me about this story is that Moses didn't rush into making a plan.  He waited until they kne...

Just like my dad!

I've often said that I am nothing like my parents.  They are both fairly quiet, more on the introverted side of life, while I on the other hand love the lime light and centre stage.  I've never been quiet and I don't know the meaning of the word 'shy'. Then one day, I was with my husband, and I started really laughing about something, and my husband said to me "You laugh just like your mother!" People often comment on how I look like one or other of my parents, even if I can't see a resemblance. I am sure that is true of us all really (not that you look like my parents of course). In Genesis, God says " Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.. ." All through the first chapter of Genesis as God creates life on the earth, He creates things that will "produce after their own kind". The truth is that every living thing can only produce after it's own kind .  A tomato can't produce an apple; a pig can'...

Resistance Training

I'm not a super sci-fi fan, but I've watched a few things of that genre.  Star Trek had a group of aliens that assimilated every culture they met into their own.  Everyone became Borg.   Every time they found people to 'convert', they told them "resistance is futile" on the basis that they believed everyone would eventually conform.   I think it is Captain Jean-Luc Picard who proves this theory wrong.  He resists the Borg, and of course the Enterprise wins! Some times there are battles to fight for sure, but sometimes, what's really needed is to resist the devil and watch him run. In James it says: Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. When we feel 'under attack' from the enemy we have two things to do.  Firstly we "submit to God". Submit means to bring yourself under something.  We bring ourselves under God by agreeing with his Word, doing things his way and seeing it all from his persp...