Stability in the change

My life right now is in the middle of a major change.  We're packing up our life overseas and returning back to our home country.   We knew change was coming, but we hadn't quite figured out what that looked like. And then there it was, and my husband and I felt peace that it was time to go home.

So my house is in that crazy state when you've sold furniture and given away things.  On one hand it looks empty and a little sad, but then in other spaces there are boxes of our prized and necessary possessions, ready to ship back.  It's cluttered and I hate it!

In the natural, I want my home to be a 'safe' place, with things where they should be; everything in order.  I want my life to follow a nice and easy path in the same way, and for it to change as little as possible (Right???!!!)

In the Spiritual, I have learned that's not the way things tend to be!   Change is almost daily.  Not only do things around us change, but as we learn and grow in the Lord, we change.  It can be really unsettling if you focus on the changes.

We each deal with change differently; denial, resistance, anger, resigned acceptance, excitement, joy, BUT I believe that God has given us ALL the keys to stability in the middle of any change or transition - HIM!

In Malachi (3:6).  God says he is the God that doesn't change and from Hebrews 13:8 we know that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever.

In Hebrews (which is one of my favourite books of the Bible) 6:19, the writer says:
This hope [this confident assurance] we have as an anchor of the soul [it cannot slip and it cannot break down under whatever pressure bears upon it]... (AMP)

The hope that we have in Christ is what anchors our soul (our minds, our will and yes, our emotions).  This is internal and is not effected by the external changes in our life.  It is set in heavenly places, in a spiritual realm which is why it holds fast, even in the face of change.

When we focus on the things we really are not in control of any way, and of what is happening around us, our emotions will follow the fluctuation in our circumstances.  When we fix our eyes on the Lord, His promise is that he will keep us in perfect peace.

According to Wikipedia, an anchor is "... a device, normally made of metal, used to connect a vessel to the bed of a body of water to prevent the craft from drifting due to wind or current. 

When we don't want drift or be tossed about in this life, we anchor our souls in the unchanging love of the Lord.  Whatever storm comes our way (or even just the little waves that nudge our tranquility) we can find that stability because our hope is in him.  He is unchanging and his love for us is steadfast and certain.


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