
Showing posts from March, 2025

Put it on

So I was reading the story of the prodigal son again for the thousandth time this week and a new thing struck me!!  Don't you just think that's amazing? The Word is alive and powerful; you can read it over and over and always God can speak to you in a new way. Most bibles with subheadings over sections call the story the Prodigal Son but I like the Passion Translation which calls this "The Loving Father"!  That's a great point, but not the one I am making today. So, hopefully you know the story.  If you don't you can read the whole thing in Luke 15, but I want to look at what happens on the sons return home. Firstly, despite the fact the son basically told his dad 'I wish you were dead!' the father was looking out for him and when he saw him he RAN to meet him.  This is not the conduct of a disgruntaled parent who wants to make sure the child knows how wrong they were! He runs out to meet him and falls on him welcoming him home in both manner and words...