Come and see

I was listening to one of my favourite carols Noel ft Lauren Daigle - if you want a listen. I was struck by one of the lines "Come and see what God has done" as the angels are speaking to the Shepherds and it hit me that they didn't appear a week before and say 'Go and see what God is going to do'. They spoke about what GOD HAD DONE. Jesus was already born and the Shepherds went off to see him. Often we can look to the future and wonder what God might do, where he is taking us, or how he can take change our current situation, but sometimes, we need to look at what God HAS done and fix our hope on him. When we look and see all that God has done for us, starting with coming to earth as a baby, growing up to die on the cross and then brining it into our own lives, we can easily say "See what the Lord has done"! There's most definitely a time for looking forward, but there's also times to remember what has already ...