A trusted name

Have you ever wondered about the importance placed on the name of Jesus? We hear people all the time adding on "In Jesus name" to the end of a prayer. We sing songs about "Praise the name of Jesus". But why? Well, think about corporate logos. You only have to see a golden M and you know exactly what it is - anywhere in the world. The value of a name is more than just what we call something. For example, if I say to you that I know Joe King. If you have met Joe, it will immediately bring up a picture or an emotion, depending on what your experience of him is. His name will make you think about the kind of man he is; the way he treats you and others; his nature; his character. Just by saying his name! The name of Jesus is just the same. It encompasses his nature, his character and his promises. His name is salvation, his name is healing, the deliverer, the provider, the banner, the Great Shepherd, the door, our righteousness, our...