
Showing posts from September, 2020

A matter of faith

Recently I heard someone discussing a certain thing saying ' that's not a matter of faith' .    This statement jumped out at me, and I began thinking about it.  The more I have thought about it, the more I have come to the conclusion that almost everything is a matter of faith.   Sometimes we seem to separate out faith from our daily lives. Whether I take God at his word is always a matter of faith. For each situation in my life, I can walk in faith or in the flesh.  Even Paul told the Corinthians "Whether you eat or drink, do it for the glory of God".  What do I mean?  Well, let's look at an example that I faced many times in the beginning of my married life.  We never had enough money.  There was always more month left at the end of the money. It was embarrassing and frustrating. Now a days I know God's promises far better, but then I walked in the flesh (what my five senses were able to discern): we had lack! There are so, so man...

Up or down?

I don't know about you, but over lockdown there's been a creeping sense of monotony for many people.  I heard is referred to as 'Ground Hog Day' with reference 90s film of that title.   But as I was reading this week I re-read this verse and it really impacted me: Romans 12:11 (TPT) " Be enthusiastic to serve the Lord, keeping your passion towards him boiling hot! Radiate with the glow of the Holy Spirit and let him fill you with excitement as you serve him " It is up to us to stir ourselves up and to be enthusiastic, and keep our passion for the Lord boiling away!  How do we do this in a situation like lockdown?  The same way we do when life is more 'normal'.   We keep reading God's word, worshipping him, praying in tongues, praying, and thanking him.It's not complicated, but it requires us do actually do something!  As a result of keeping ourselves focussed on God's goodness and his amazingness, we can't help be passionate about him a...

Are you satisfied?

So, this week this verse caught my eye: Hebrews 13:5 (NLT) Don’t love money; be satisfied with what you have. For God has said , “I will never fail you. I will never abandon you. ” I have often heard people tell me the first part of this verse.  Don't be obsessed with money, but be content with what you have..." But like so many things in the Christian faith, we so often miss the most important bit! Elsewhere in the New Testament, the Apostle Paul did say that he had learned to be content with what he had, and that is important and true BUT the reason we can be content is because of the second part of this verse.    We can be satisfied with what we have BECAUSE WE HAVE JESUS! When the creator of the universe resides in your heart, what is there not to be content with!  And MORE than that, his faithful promise is to never leave us, never fail us!  We have everything, when we have relationship with Jesus.  That is an amazing truth.   Are you satis...