...and there's more!
Last week on Easter Sunday, John (my husband) taught at church. I always really enjoy listening to him speak and, like many times I hear him, something particular he said grabbed my interest. He spoke about Jesus being the first fruit. I've often heard about giving first fruits from your crops or even from your time or whatever and tithing, but John said something that I thought was good. He said first fruits imply that more is yet to come ! They are not called last fruits, or 'maybe-there-won't-be-any-more' fruits! First fruits. We create an expectation there is more! Giving to God is always about the fact that we trust him and know that however much we give, we can't out-give God. I've heard people debate about whether or not they should tithe of the gross or net amount, or whether they should round up or down (really I have!!), and those people have ALL missed the point. Giving is about recognizing that it's all God's anyway, and lettin...