
When I started my second year as a student at Charis Bible College in Colorado, God gave me a word for the year. Even though I really felt it was for that year particularly, the truth has carried through many more years. The word was 'balance'. Sometimes we can all get out of balance. I've spoken a lot about this already, but it's very, very important on so many levels. God's view of balance, often looks different to ours. For example, in the beginning, in Genesis we see the account of God creating the earth and everything we know. But on the seventh day God rested. God wasn't tired, ill or fed up, but he rested. The word SABBATH means to rest or cease from work, not because you're tired, but an intentional stopping. God set up the pattern of rest at creation and nothing is different now, except we are no longer bound by the law to keep the Sabbath, We do not have to labour and strive to please God. We are no longer justified by w...