Keep an eye on the horizon!

Well! Here we are at the end of the year. My last blog of 2018. It seems like life has been a whirlwind over the last 12 months. We've taken mission trips, ministered to over 100 students, preached in multiple churches in various cities, provinces and countries; we've been on the radio, worked with kids, led worship, moved home and country, changed jobs, bought a new car... Our changes have been good for us. God has been gracious and some of the things coming up in 2019 are going to be quite different, but so exciting! For others change can cause them to feel little lost or discouraged and wonder what God has next for them. Sometimes, change is of our own making and sometimes it is beyond our control. The hard thing for us is our emotions can go all over the place, our faith can waiver or our hearts can get all bent out of shape. Growing up by the beach, my dad owned a small boat. I LOVE being out on the water, and I've never, ever been sea ...