Go for it!
How many times have you sat at a traffic light and waited for the light to go change only to find someone beeping you because you missed the fact that it was green? I run into many Christians (not literally) who spiritually sit at that traffic light waiting for it to go green, regardless of what colour it's showing. I was reading my bible one day when I saw this verse: Acts 16:7 (MEV) When they came near Mysia, they tried to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit did not allow them. What was interesting to me what that they seem to have made a plan to go somewhere, but then the Spirit did not allow them. Most of us believe we have to pray before we move and wait for God's green light before we do anything. But it seems to me that Paul made a plan and moved forward trusting that God would stop him if necessary. I feel like too often we want everything confirmed by 27 witnesses, shaking of the ground and writing on the wall before we do anything; we live our lives sittin...