
Showing posts from August, 2024


I've spoken before on the verse in 2 Corinthians 1:20  " For all the promises of God in Him are “Yes,” and in Him “Amen,” to the glory of God through us. "  I was thinking about it again this weekend.  At church on Sunday, right before communion, someone prayed 'Thank you Jesus that you never said no!  You said yes to the cross."   I began thinking about this and the above verse.   How quick are we to think badly of God (you wouldn't believe some of the things people are willing to think are true about Him), but Jesus said 'yes' to horrific suffering and death, just so that we could say 'yes' to him.    In that 'YES' we not only were able to enter into salvation, but we are able to say to YES to healing, YES to deliverance, YES to freedom and YES to provision.  Because Jesus said 'YES' to the plan of God and God always says 'YES' to all that Jesus provided, we don't have to wonder if God will give us a 'Yes'...

Pushing Pause (not pushing past it)

Over the last few weeks I've been listening to a teaching series on Sabbath Rest.  It's really interesting to me how many of us find it hard to rest, I mean really rest!   One thing that struck me from this series was a phrase from one of the sessions on 'not pushing past the pause' - referring to resting before you break!  It made me ponder the question, how often do we push past the pause instead of pushing pause!  While the Sabbath was made for us not the other way round (meaning it's not supposed to be a legalistic regiment), the point of the Sabbath was always that we rest and connect with God.    Think about the context of this idea: The people of Israel had just been freed from a life of slavery; 7 days a week hard labour, suffering and struggle.  Then God tells them, commands them actually, take a break on the 7th day and keep that day just for me!  This was a cultural and mindset shift.  They had been persecuted for 400 years as...