Not now!?

I was listening to some teaching and reading the story of Moses when he took the people of Israel out of slavery and off towards the promised land. To give a bit of background, the Jews are enslaved by Pharaoh and the Egyptians. They are building stuff for the Egyptians when God calls Moses to go and lead the Israelites out of slavery and into the land he has promised them. Moses is to go to Pharaoh and tell him to let God's people go! If Pharaoh refuses, then plagues will come upon the Egyptians. Pharaoh doesn't let them go and so those plagues come. First, they had the Nile turn to blood and then, the second plague; frogs, frogs and more frogs everywhere!! In the oven, in the bed - EVERYWHERE. Now I don't mind frogs, but in my bed or cereal box? No thanks! Frogs were worshipped in Egypt - you weren't supposed to kill them because they worship various deities that took on frog heads or bodies. Heqet was their goddess of...