Am I enough?
Today I was chatting to a friend and we were talking about avoiding the trap of asking the questions 'D o I have ENOUGH faith? ' or ' Did I pray ENOUGH ?' or " Did I do ENOUGH? ". When we start asking these sort of questions, we are really looking to see if we are self-sufficient. We are wondering if our own actions, our own efforts, our own works are ENOUGH , but the truth we are not ever going to be enough! No matter how much we do, or how many hours we pray or how much effort we put in, we are not going to be ENOUGH to achieve results! Only Jesus gets results and only our faith in him takes hold of those results. We cannot measure faith in terms of ENOUGH; we either believe or we don't. The reality is when our focus comes off Jesus and on to ourselves we will struggle! Even the apostle Paul said that he was not enough but that his 'enoughness' (I know that's not a real word - but it just sounds right here - what I mean is sufficiency) ...