Finish it!

Have you watched any of the 'Karate Kid' movies. If not, the gist is Daniel, the underdog, learns Karate and goes to compete against the bully on the block, who is being trained by the nastiest instructor around (Johny K) whose motto is 'No Mercy'. Mr Miyagi, Daniel's unassuming teacher, shows Daniel a move against which there is no defence, and despite his opponents underhand tactics, Daniel goes on to win the competition, and the respect of his opponent. In one scene, Johny K comes up against Mr Miyagi and picks a fight with him. Despite being smaller and a lot older, Miyagi bests Johny K. At the end of the fight, has him in a precarious hold, where it looks like he's going to finish him with a swipe of his hand. However... right at the end it goes like this... With a tweak of the nose! What has all this got to do with my blog for New Years Eve? Well, how we finish something is how we start the next thing. If you are leaving 2022 w...