
Showing posts from February, 2020

Same difference!

Romans 12:2 (NLT) Don’t copy the behaviour and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. All the time people tell me they aren't happy, or they are down or they don't like where their life, but when offered a solution, many don't want to know. People want to do things exactly the same way they always have and still see different results.  It is madness to think on all the negative, worldly things that you always do, and expect significant change in your life. In Romans 12:2 it says that we shouldn't be like the world, or people who don't know God, but we are supposed to be transformed by allowing God's Spirit through His Word to change the way we think which will, in turn transform the way we act. I can't promise circumstances around you will change, but if God's word is true (and it is) then by changin...

What are you looking at?

This week in my bible reading I was looking at the crucifixion of Jesus.  As I was reading the account, I closed my eyes for a moment and imagined Peter and the disciples.  For 3 years, they've been doing life with Jesus.  They've seen amazing things, not only at Jesus' hands, but at their own.  They have recognized that he is the Son of God.  They've seen healings, deliverance,  and even people raised from the dead! Suddenly they are looking at Jesus as he dies and life looks black.   In that moment, I imagine Peter took a deep breath and thought "What the heck is going on.  I I thought for sure he was the Messiah, I mean I even said that.  I saw him shining on the mountain. Did I imagine it all? What am I gonna do now?" Peter and the others, must have been lost, devastated, afraid.  Several people I know are facing some pretty challenging situations, maybe you are too.  We can look at what we see and forge...

For your consideration...

Today I want to think about faith and action.  James tells us that faith without works is dead and that faith will be shown by works.   Sometimes, we need to look at what other people see from us and decided whether we are in faith or not.  What I mean is if our lives look the same as someone who is not a Christian, then we're not walking in faith.   We sing songs like "If faith can move the mountains, then let the mountains move!"  Or "I walk by faith and not by sight!"  but if we cave at the first sign of trouble, we take fear at the first report of bad news, or if we are grumpy and discouraged over every obstacle we face, then we're not living by faith!   I like this verse in 1 Samuel 12:24.  In the KJV it reads: Only fear the Lord, and serve him in truth with all your heart; for consider how great things he hath done for you! That word CONSIDER means a lot of things, but it includes in its definitions TO SEE, T...