What a rush!

I was thinking today how easy it is to get involved with rushing around! I remember not long after John and I were married, it was Christmas time and one Saturday we had been asked to help a friend move. Another person came to ask us if we could help with a Charity Carol singing event, and then another person wanted us to help with Carol singing round the neighbourhood for the church. There were a couple of other things too, and suddenly we found ourselves overbooked. We did everything we had agreed to but it was a rush. As soon as something was finished we had to run off to the next thing. The people we were helping out all wanted us to linger and fellowship for a bit, but we couldn't. After that, we agreed a better way for us to consider what we got involved with so we didn't have to rush around. Rushing and busyness are symptoms of a modern world, but these are not how Jesus live. Consider Mark 5.. Jesus has just been approached by Jairus a...