Hold tight (Stress part 2)

I've begun sharing a little on how to deal with stress.  Last week we spoke about not focussing on ourselves as we cannot control or change many things.  We are not sufficient to manage our own lives however we try; we need to focus on Jesus.

Today I want to speak about what and how we value things and how this can cause us stress. 

In Luke 12:34 we are told our hearts are where our treasure is.  This means that our hearts go to where the thing we value is.  I like the way the Passion Translation puts it
Where you deposit your treasure, that is where your thoughts will turn to—and your heart will long to be there also.

Stress can be caused when we put too high a value or importance on something (treasure).  Things can easily be lost or damaged, often outside of our own control. Holding 'things' too tightly can cause us stress when we do not have them (or if God tells us to give them away!)

Paul the Apostle says in Philippians 4:11 that he had learned to be content, whether he was prospering or not.  We too must learn that Jesus is more than enough. 

Yes! I believe that God wants to bless, prosper and take care of his children, but I equally know that the enemy comes to try to steal, kill and destroy, and yet we can avoid being stressed, by not holding on to 'stuff' that is fleeting so tightly so as to be discouraged or down if it is taken away, lost or comes to an end.  

The antidote to this is of course to cling tightly to Jesus. Operate in gratitude for everything we have, enjoy what God has given you, give thanks in every situation but know that Jesus is more valuable than the temporary stuff we see in the here and now.

Happy Saturday 


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